
Grit - passion and perseverance

Hi, My name is Malathi Boggavarapu, an engineer by profession. I like to always gather insights on different general things happen in our lives.  The one that inspired me today is an article in linkedin on Grit which is researched and published by Angela Duckworth. After reading the bottom line of Grit authored by her, i was intrigued to know bit more about her. She is an American academic, psychologist and popular science author and also Founder and CEO of Character lab. Read more . So what is Grit? It is a mix of passion and perseverance. Passion is a burning interest towards your goal or a particular thing whereas perseverance is the persistence to keep on working on your passions until you succeed. The strength in the mix of passion and perseverance help us to achieve success both in personal and professional life. The more grittier you are, the more you can succeed in all the things. But there is onething we should be cautioned about. You know what? That is relaxing after you gain